Fight Football League (FFL), is an organization which promotes a new form of game that takes inspiration from an ancient game called "Harpastum".
This very popular game during Roman Empire was practiced as a training for battle, it is the foundation of modern Soccer and Rugby and it is still played once a year since 1500 in Florence, Italy with the name of "Calcio Storico".
Fightfootball takes the essence of these legendary games, introducing innovative rules and equipment to develop a tough but safe game.
In the FFL the objective is to score goal, however, players are allowed to fight their opponents using several fighting techniques. Injuries or KOs can consequence into the elimination of the player.
Footballfighters are athletes coming from different backgrounds, mainly: Calcio Storico, Rugby, Boxing, Wrestling and Mixed Martial Arts. FFL training is the ultimate workout, Footballfighters need to be in condition to run and fight to defend themselves, their share of playing field, their teammates and ultimately score goal.
Source: FightFootbalLeague
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