Montreal, Quebec. Canada
Anthony Isabella
CEO & Founder
The Energized4Sports Team is looking for dedicated members to contribute to the website. The members should have some experience in writing articles as well as having a background in sports.
We are seeking for individuals in the domain of: Sports Nutrition, Hockey, Wrestling, Soccer, Rugby & Other sports related fields.
The purpose is to have these member post video, pictures & articles related to their specific field of expertise.
Energized4Sports can grant individuals the permission to post an unlimited number of articles. Each article has to be sports related and can not degrade/abase individuals in ANY WAY. As well, the users can not use offense languages towards other individuals or group of people. E4S reverses its rights to remove the users of their privileges granted by the E4S Administrator at any time if any of these regulations are breached.
To become an active member on the Energized4Sports Website send an email to the following email address:
Please tell us what your intents are and your field of expertise. Our team will carefully analyze your request and will them decide to accept or refuse your offer. An email will be sent to notify you as soon as a decision has been made. (Request of Partnership Form)
Become part of the Energized 4 Sports mailing group list for special offers and events.
Join our Facebook group page (E4S Facebook Group)
Members are encourage to report any abuse made on the blog. As mentioned above, Energized 4 Sports has the legitimate power over the blog and can strip it's users of their privileges to use the blog and mailing address as an active member. No "spam" will be tolerated. Our blog administrators will severely control & monitor daily activities.